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Tuesday, October 26, 2004

The New York Times > Washington > Campaign 2004 > Political Points: Secret Weapon for Bush?:
"Mr. Badnarik is the presidential candidate of the Libertarian Party, which says he could 'Naderize' Mr. Bush. A recent Zogby/Reuters national poll showed him tied with Ralph Nader at one percentage point each - not much, but possibly critical. Unlike Mr. Nader, Mr. Badnarik is on the ballot of every battleground state except New Hampshire.
'If we have a rerun of Florida 2000 in Pennsylvania, Michael Badnarik could be the kingmaker by drawing independent and Republican votes from Bush,' said Larry Jacobs, director of the 2004 Election Project at the Humphrey Institute of the University of Minnesota, which has been tracking third-party candidates.
Mr. Badnarik, reached by telephone on Thursday while campaigning in Michigan, said that polls commissioned by his campaign showed him at 2 percent in Wisconsin, 3 percent in Nevada and 5 percent in New Mexico.
He dispatched quickly with most of the major campaign issues. Foreign policy? 'I would be bringing our troops home from Iraq and 135 other countries.' Taxes? 'I would eliminate the I.R.S. completely.' Health care? 'Of all the things I want the government out of, health care is probably the first thing.' "
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