Blogging in Berkeley. Notes on news, politics, law, and technology in the US and China. [This blog is inactive. I am now staying busy and having a great time at UVA Law.]
Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Iraqi blogging brothers Omar and Mohammed came to the US recently for a Harvard conference on blogging. Their other brother Ali, a doctor, was doing the blogging while they were away. (Though he was getting a hard time from anti-war Americans, and he decided to quit the blog.) It is an interesting blog to follow; people like Mohammed, Omar, and Ali will be the ones who make a democratic Iraq work.

"We were very busy during our visit to the States that we couldn't find the time to communicate with our readers.

Those days were very special ones and we never felt like strangers there; we were surrounded with love and respect where ever we went. We were amazed by the endless support and good will that the American people have for Iraq.

Everyone was saying 'we're praying for your people and your country'.

It's been a great opportunity to meet many of our dear readers and respectable bloggers like Jeff Jarvis and Roger Simon and many other friends who kept following and supporting 'Iraq the Model' throughout the past 13 months."
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