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Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Omar on the AP photographs of the election worker assassinations in Baghdad. There has been a lot of blogging on this issue, but few answer from the AP. When did they find out that there was going to be a triple murder on Haifa Street?

"Haifa street is not a preferred choice for Baghdadis when they want to go for a walk or even for regular movement because of the dangerous alliance that was born several months ago between the Ba'athists who have the money and the regular criminals who are alwyas hungry for money and these criminals inhabit the old neighborhood close to this street.

And I believe it's become a sinister spot for journalists who work for foreign media after one of them got killed in a helicopter rocket attack during some clashes between the terrorists and the coalition troops some time ago.

So, what the f*** was that photographer doing with his equipment at that particular moment, in that particular spot?"
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