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Monday, January 03, 2005 - Local/ Regional News: Starbucks hitches cab ride:
"A holiday advertising gimmick placed atop cabs in recent weeks has been fooling Hub motorists who continually mistake the ad for a Starbucks cup left on the roof."

Madness. Marketing firms are just getting too clever, they must be stopped!

"While the rooftop ad has received significant praise, some drivers say it is so effective it actually creates a maddening distraction from people who point, beep and yell when they see it.

'It's a real pain for the driver,' Meister said. 'People will stand in traffic and yell, `Hey, you left your coffee cup on the roof!'''

I hope Pampers or Gerbers don't try something like this to promote their products. Babies magnetically attached to the roof of cars just aren't as funny.
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