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Wednesday, January 19, 2005

CBS News | Carson Feeds Jokes To Letterman | January 19, 2005:
"These days Carson gets his dose of late-night programming during prime time in California, watching shows over East coast feeds. Lassally didn't say whether Carson watches The Tonight Show, now hosted by Jay Leno.

But he's a fan of Letterman, whose career took off when he became a regular on The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson. 'I think the thing (Johnny) misses the most is the monologue,' Lassally said. 'When he reads the paper every morning, he can think of five jokes off the bat that he wishes he has an outlet for.' Carson sends some of those jokes to Letterman, who occasionally includes them in his monologues at the beginning of each show. 'Johnny gets a big kick out of that,' said Lassally, who talks to Carson regularly by telephone. "
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