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Wednesday, January 05, 2005

The Daily Ripper Blog -- Osama defends double tape deck:
"Bin Laden admitted being tempted by the iPod's sleek, minimalist design, easily navigated menu system and the recent U2 limited edition version. But he bristled at Jobs's suggestion that his tapes were not of the highest fidelity. 'The only people who have a problem with fidelity are the infidels like Jobs and I couldn't give a fatwa what he thinks,' he said."
"'The American imperialist aggressors have destroyed many of my weapons caches in the Tora Bora caves but I still have a large supply of Maxell blank tapes, and they're C90 ones at that.'"

Bin Laden admitted there was some audible hissing on his tapes. He had tried the Dolby Noise Reduction button on his stereo "but it just seems to make me sound muffled like I'm talking through a burqa.'"
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