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Thursday, February 24, 2005
  Korn Guitarist Finds God, Leaves Band

Yahoo! News - Korn Guitarist Finds God, Leaves Band:
"NEW YORK (Billboard) - Korn guitarist Brian 'Head' Welch has parted ways with the hard rock act, citing a recent religious awakening.

Welch broke the news Sunday on Bakersfield, Calif., station KRAB-FM.

'I had it in my heart to come here and explain to you,' Welch said. 'I'm good friends with Korn. I love those guys, and they love me, and they're very happy for me.'

Addressing the aggressive tone of the music he made with Korn, Welch said, 'Anger is a good thing, and if kids want to listen to Korn, good, but there's happiness after the anger. I'm going to show it through my actions how much I love my fans.'

Welch added that he would be appearing at a local church on Feb. 27, during which time he would 'speak (about) how I got to this place in my life, and I'll answer all your questions.'"

Quote from their website:
"Korn has parted ways with guitarist Brian Head Welch, who has chosen the Lord Jesus Christ as his savior, and will be dedicating his musical pursuits to that end."

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