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Friday, March 04, 2005
  Martha Stewart Out of Jail

Martha did the crime and she did the time. I hope she will be able to put the whole issue behind her now. She seems to have handled the whole thing admirably, the question really is whether all of us will be able to let the issue go.

My Way News:
"ALDERSON, W.Va. (AP) - Wasting no time, Martha Stewart left prison in the middle of the night Friday and quickly set her sights on rebuilding her homemaking empire after serving a five-month sentence for lying about a stock sale.

Stewart was allowed to leave prison at 12:30 a.m Friday in a two-vehicle motorcade and headed to a nearby airport where she was to board a private jet for a flight to New York. She will spend the next five months on home confinement at her 153-acre estate in Katonah, N.Y."

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