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Wednesday, April 27, 2005
  Family Entertainment and Copyright Act House bill calls for up to 3 years in prison for illegally distributing unreleased movies, songs:
"The bill, passed on Tuesday by the House, proposes up to 3 years in prison for anyone who electronically distributes a movie that hasn't been released on video or DVD, or songs or software that haven't been released to the public.

Experts said the bill focuses on expanding the types of activities covered under copyright law rather than increasing the penalties. Current law provides for up to 5 years and up to $250,000 in fines for copyright infringement.

The bill, which awaits the president's signature, also calls for up to 3 years' imprisonment for anyone who illegally distributes a copyrighted work for profit, distributes pirated material worth more than $1,000 or videotapes movies in theaters. Subsequent offenses carry up to 10 years in prison for copyright infringement of pre-release movies for financial gain."

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