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Friday, May 13, 2005
  Dartmouth Trustee Election Results

The Dartmouth Online:
"Petition candidates Peter Robinson '79 and Todd Zywicki '88 won this year's trustee election, the College announced early Thursday evening, defeating four Alumni Council nominees. Out of over 35,000 votes cast by more than 15,000 alumni, Robinson received 21 percent and Zywicki received 20 percent.

Zywicki and Robinson both expressed satisfaction and surprise with their wins, especially given their outsider status. Zywicki said his victory was an alumni response to an administration that has been increasingly making questionable decisions."


Both candidates ran campaigns deemed "insurgent" that attacked Dartmouth's free speech stance.

"I emphasized it," Robinson said of free speech. "Todd Zywicki emphasized it. I heard enough from undergraduates, recent graduates and other alumni about their concerns for free speech. I don't have any doubt that it was one of the animating issues."

This year's election also saw the use of internet blogs to voice support for the candidates.

"'I think what I found useful during the campaign were the new uses of the blogosphere,' Robinson said. 'I was able to reach fellow alums via my web site in a way that would have been very different even a few years ago.'

The blogs that covered the trustee election were mainly conservative ones supporting the two petition candidates, both of whom are well-established political conservatives. But Robinson said that his personal political opinions on national issues are irrelevant when it comes to Dartmouth."

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