Blogging in Berkeley. Notes on news, politics, law, and technology in the US and China. [This blog is inactive. I am now staying busy and having a great time at UVA Law.]
Thursday, March 30, 2006 - Local / Regional News: ?Sopranos? stars divided on bawdy body language - Local / Regional News: ?Sopranos? stars divided on bawdy body language: "Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia says anybody who thinks his Sicilian gesture was obscene has been watching ?too many episodes of ?The Sopranos,? ? but a star of the TV mob hit says such body language is just as injudicious in real life.

?It?s an obscenity,? Joseph Gannascoli, who plays capo Vito Spatafore on the HBO drama ?The Sopranos,? said of Scalia?s gesture, which involved flicking his hand under his chin.

The conservative jurist employed the expression when a Herald reporter sought his response, after a Mass in Boston Sunday, to people who question his impartiality on matters of church and state.

?It?s not like grabbing your crotch, not that bad an obscenity,? Gannascoli said. ?But it?s an obscenity. It?s something you would do after paying a bookie, to your bookie, but not something you would do in church.?

Gannascoli?s take on Scalia?s gesture, made minutes after he took Communion, comes amid continuing furor surrounding the episode. "

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