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Tuesday, March 21, 2006
  German court prescribes viagra for stallion - Yahoo! News

German court prescribes viagra for stallion - Yahoo! News: "BERLIN (Reuters) - A German court ordered viagra to be given to a stallion after his new owner claimed he was impotent and refused to pay the full asking price.

The buyer of the horse called Vedor paid just a tenth of the price of over 4,000 euros (2,772 pounds), claiming it had only one testicle and failed to get frisky with a female pony.
A vet found the testicle after an examination, said Egbert Simons, a spokesman for the court in the eastern town of Neuruppin.

And when the stallion was given the potency drug, it emerged he was fully functional, he added.
The court ordered the buyer to pay the full price. "

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