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Monday, March 27, 2006
  Inside Bay Area - IBA - Bay Area Living

Inside Bay Area - IBA - Bay Area Living: "Concerns about hard-to-open packaging may not be just about consumer inconvenience. According to 2001 Census Bureau data, people suffered more than twice as many injuries related to household packaging and containers than from skateboards or swimming pools (although those numbers include injuries that involve dropping a package on a foot).

And British researchers blame 'wrap rage' for more than 60,000 injuries in that country. In 2004, a writer for The Times of London described the CD as 'the crucible of wrap rage,' whose old cardboard box was replaced by a 'zip strip. The answer to our unwrapping prayers! Yet 12 years later, a pull-tab torn off in hand, we are still chewing through plastic like wild dogs.' "

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