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Tuesday, April 04, 2006
  Spitzer Sues 'Spyware' Co. Over Pop-Up Ads - Yahoo! News

Spitzer Sues 'Spyware' Co. Over Pop-Up Ads - Yahoo! News: "ALBANY, N.Y. - New York's attorney general sued another Internet pop-up advertising company Tuesday, accusing it of secretly installing malicious programs on personal computers and sending ads through 'spyware' that is already installed.

Eliot Spitzer said Direct Revenue LLC has installed millions of pop-up ad programs that also monitor the Internet activity of users. He asked a state court to stop the practice.
'These applications are deceptive and unfair to consumers, bad for businesses that rely on efficient networks to do their jobs, and bad for online retailers that need consumers to trust and enjoy their online experience,' Spitzer said. 'We will continue to side with consumers in their fight for control of their desktops.'"

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