Blogging in Berkeley. Notes on news, politics, law, and technology in the US and China. [This blog is inactive. I am now staying busy and having a great time at UVA Law.]
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
  The Volokh Conspiracy - An Unintentionally Funny Article by Former Duke Law Professor Michael Byers

The Volokh Conspiracy - An Unintentionally Funny Article by Former Duke Law Professor Michael Byers: "An Unintentionally Funny Article by Former Duke Law Professor Michael Byers explaining why he gave up his U.S. green card and returned to Canada, in the Globe and Mail (hat tip: Leiter). For example, he claims:

'[After 9/11], fear replaced curiosity as the standard response to things unknown. Before 9/11, my wife's English accent often generated a friendly response, including the comment 'You sound just like Princess Diana.' After the attacks, the warm chatter gave way to a strained silence.'

Right. I remember that wave of anti-British fear and loathing that swept over the U.S. after 9/11. Is it possible that Professor Byers is both playing to (and encouraging) the stereotypical view of the Canadian left of Americans as a bunch of ignorant, parochial, anti-foreigner goobers?"

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