I took the Law School Admission Test today. I feel cautiously optimistic about how I did. Now I get to wait for 3 weeks to find out my score. Now I also get to focus more on my classes too. I have been putting off anything that I could put off in order to spend more time preparing for the test. Monday morning at 9am I have a mid-term in psychology 126. I missed the lecture and my discussion section for the class last Monday; Wednesday morning Professor Prinzmetal reminded us to bring a scantron for the mid-term next Monday. "Uh...mid-term?" I'm glad I am taking this class pass/no pass. Monday I also have to turn in a take home mid-term for Chinese political science for Professor Dittmer. 1500 word essay on the relationship between imperial collapse, the revolution, and Chinese cultural transformation. Along with an 8-12 page on Marsilius of Padua and Martin Luther for my political theory class, as well as the final draft of a 7 page essay for Western Civ on The Iliad and the epic of Gilgamesh, I have a lot to do before I can start working on law school applications. I guess I better turn off NPR and get back to work...
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